Gamer Robot by Game Meets Girl
I was fit to click
I move with ticks
I speak the interents with my mics and flicks
PS3, XBOX, Consoles are me
I even have a part designed for the wii
I engineer the game, I have controller in hand
I have custom made parts from japan
I'm a real girl, made with joy
I'm all female with a touch of android
Game Meets Girl
ain't a normal girl
she will show the world
what a gamer really is
Game Meets Girl
ain't a normal girl
she will show the world
the female perspective.
Controllers are plastic
its fantastic
to see playing from you
is so noobtastic
you can't run boy, you can't hide
take the green herb if you want to survive.
Well take this shotgun, lets left for dead
Or watch the game meets girl instead
c'mon buddy, theres no time to be rash
watch game meets girl on games on smash
Zombies are coming, I got my laser sight
but the difficulty isn't on hardcore right?
We can always take pictures, the horror the sightings?
Kick them out like they do in dead rising
I wasn't sent, I was built for this.
I've had enough of your ignorace
40% of the gamers are female you know
So now I've opened your eyes to my show.
Game Meets Girl
ain't a normal girl
she will show the world
what a gamer really is
Game Meets Girl
ain't a normal girl
she will show the world
the female perspective.
I rep the women in the gamer scene
they do exist on g4tv
I'm not morgan webb, I'm a real gamer
I'm not here to be your entertainer
a robot girl here to change the planet
no screen shot, so it never happened
but robots are programed for a purpose boys
mine is to review games and technical toys.
Lets play a game
A Console game
A Pc Game
an xbox game
A wii game
a ps3 game
lets go insane
my AI is human, set for improvement
I am robot and this is my movement
Robot logos on my frame and plates
Xbox on my chest and face
the wii, well that's in a sacred place
D-pads riddle my outter space
I even has a ps3 logo on my case
Time to game, so show me your game face.
Game Meets Girl
ain't a normal girl
she will show the world
what a gamer really is
Game Meets Girl
ain't a normal girl
she will show the world
the female perspective.
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