My show, sometime in the future.

By Ravergirl on 3:54 PM

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All right I know GMG needs a boost in game footage quality.
I've been filming the TV directly, but in reality its not ideal for a game review.

So I've been snooping around online and I found this.
its called the GameBridge Console-To-PC

Other wise known as a new way to directly feed my game footage into my computer.

YAY. Currently its sold out, but look at that. Freaking awesome! While I'm at it, I can totally convert all those baby videos of me on vhs.... or maybe not... Me as a baby... not for online

Another thing I really want to boost in the show is my audio.
I want it to be less echoy, for when I talk to the camera, thus my new plan...
Wireless Clip on mics!

cheap ones here

super high quality ones HERE

then again, makes me wan
t Christmas to be here with a winning lottery ticket. OMG BEAUTIFUL.

Someday down the road, I know I'll get the good stuff, but at the moment I'm currently sporting hoover flags (if anyone remembers the metaphores of the Great Depression)... or easier terms I'm broker than Superman 64's gameplay.

Now lighting, my lighting right now kinda SUCKS, yea cause I don't have everything I need. Who does when you start out though right? It took me a whole year to pay off my HDR-FX1.
Money just doesn't come easy now a days, especially if your hobby is video game review show or whatever. LOL.

Here's the lighting I want, and dream about.
DV Creator 1

I can feel the geekiness ready to explode.

If I had the money I'd shoot my show all the time, have a male opinion segment, have a crew to help me, pro lights, my own studio green screen, you name it. I'd have it.

I already made a rough design for a website.

but its a work in progress I really want to take some graphics design classes in community college. There is one by my house, that's gonna happen when I can make it happen.

I have plenty of ideas and I want to really branch out.
Get other gamer girls involved, links to their sites, maybe a GMG forum down the road.

I can use my Raver fame I suppose to help out a bit.

RAVERGIRL is my other alias... At a party I'm celebrity status kinda. For the first time ever I was asked to have pictures taken with me, and I was given many hugs and called an "inspiration" for glowstickers everywhere.

It was very cool.

Anyways, I want to make shirts, not for just GMG, but Ravergirl as well.

I wonder how they would sell.

So many dreams, so little money...


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